Upgrading to XenForo

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Ads are screwing up the threads


  • Screenshot_2014-01-20-09-02-38.png
    31.9 KB · Views: 551
Redirects are now in place. old links/bookmarks should point to their new source (for threads). i'm not going to bother with other links.
not crazy about how the quotes look. its like theres not enough contrast between posts.
Search indexes are being rebuilt as we speak. It will take most of the day. After this task completes, searching by user name and such as reported should work again.
I love the upgrade. Everything is much easier to use and it seems like we have more control over our profiles. B, are you going to add a new picture for the logo?
Yes. I lost the font for the old banner, so a 're-branding' effort is under way. Good thing I never got stickers made :p Hoping to get that done this week. I've been picking the battles from 'critical' to 'nice to have' for a few days now, and things like smiles, graphics, etc are all very low priority.
I few people have asked me about the gallery. Yes, it is coming back. It's on my to do list. There's a new program i'm putting in and importing all the picture data into it soon. Nothing is lost and it will be available soon.
Still loving this new update. The alerts make it feel like more of a community whereas before you didn't know if someone was responding or quoting something you said.
Yup, it's much more interactive.

I have some ideas in the pipe too. I'm 'collaborated' with the owner of a DSM site (similar goals, different non-competive market share) and we've been whiteboarding some stuff on Trello to millennize the next wave of interactions.

Since changing software packages, mobile traffic has surpassed desktop traffic for the first time ever. Things are changing.
The font? I know it's not it but I thought it was close.