Upgraded the software

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Hi all,

I updated the board software to the latest version in an attempt to rule out software bugs causing our outages. i have much work to do to get some style back in the place, but it should be back to normal soon.

Thanks for sticking around!
So i figured out 3 major things since updating...
- the hit to the media gallery random images was doing a 500-record query about 50,000 times a day. This was wreaking havoc on the database table. it kept growing. You may have seen messages like "search is marked as crashed" over the past month.
What happened is the nightly task to clean it up was taking too long, timing out due to the crazy record count. If i didn't get a chance to manually truncate the old records out, it went down the next day almost always.
So about a week ago, i disabled the media gallery (no one even noticed.. lol) and load on the server decreased. But, backups were still failing.
Ended up having some file system problems and had to run an fsck command (linux version of check disk) which requires unmounting the volume. So, another bit of downtime tonight for that to take place. Cleared out those files now that were corrupted sectors.
step 3 is to offload our images/attachments to s3. I've already done it with the old gallery files and vb-version of the attachments. I'm struggling with the IAM policy on the s3 bucket. If you know AWS IAM policies, ping me cuz i need help :) Once that is complete, our server should be super low load levels like it used to be and with the updated software, hopefully things are back to normal ol' reliable HS like it has been for the past 4 years prior to late 2019.

2020, i'm looking to move the host to reduce costs. Our server is comparably expensive now... Newer hardware is faster and cheaper. But, moving is a project and a half so it will have to wait a bit. With the image assets off-loaded, i'm hoping i can save some costs on disk space and bandwidth that can let me focus on ram and cpu instead of drives. I'm considering setting up a cloud node through Linode or digitalocean and ditching cPanel for CentminMod.com LEMP Fully Optimized Nginx web stack for CentOS If anyone wants to nerd out with me and get a project server together to get it started, i'm down for the help.
Any chance of getting page navigation back at the top of the page?
i'm messing with the images at the moment... ignore the dead avatars and such
attachment test


  • PICT1231.JPG
    351.9 KB · Views: 337
  • 20200712_112119.jpg
    278.9 KB · Views: 286
I did some back end updates today.. sorry if you got blank pages or errors sporadically.

updated to php 7.3 fpm
upgraded to mariadb 10.3
cleaned up remaining cache files on the local machine now that everything is on s3.
swapping from GD to imagick

testing images






  • PICT1233.JPG
    387.7 KB · Views: 351
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upgraded to php 7.4 and it lacks gd support. installed imagick instead and it seems to be working. let me know of any issues with attachments.

pc source orig = 541kb

uploaded w/o opti: 555kb

kraken lossless 504kb
jpgoptim 80% 389kb:

kraken lossy 383kb:

kraken with webp format: nope, didn't work. un optimized:

try again:
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