Easy wifi for grandma?

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These snozzberries taste like snozzberries...
My mom wants to get my grandma a kindle or ipad. Grandma doesn't have wifi and can't afford a data package. What's the easiest or cheapest way to get internet connection in her apartment?
Hope for a neighbor with an open network?

Seriously though, if she has a nice neighbor, just ask if it wouldnt be too much trouble for gma to jump on.
Set her home page to one of those cute animal pages on reddit. She'll never get bored of that
Set her home page to one of those cute animal pages on reddit. She'll never get bored of that

not sure how that helps. lol

I'll look into dsl. I think I have a router and modem she can have.
can't afford a data package.

well i guess finding an actual monthly recurring dollar amount she CAN afford would help best... an iPad 3G may be the best option at about $10 per GB.
I like the idea off setting her up with a neighbors Wi-Fi the best.
I like the idea off setting her up with a neighbors Wi-Fi the best.

She lives in income based housing, mostly for old people. I would be willing to bet that less than 20% of the people in her complex have wi-fi. but i'll look into it.
Even if they have just a basic modem connected directly into a desktop ask if you can set up a wireless router in their place and use that.
Pay Grandma's basic internet package for her?

ya think i didn't think about that? lol The goal is to find a kindle and never deal with it again.
when was the last time you said "netzero" or "juno" other than when you ask, "hey, remember netzero and juno"? lol
Boom! 500 hours. Problem solved.

I really do have this hanging on my shelf in my office.


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Boom! 500 hours. Problem solved.

I really do have this hanging on my shelf in my office.

not really. she will still need a computer. lol

i'm not sure if you guys realize this. my grandma is 82. she has cable tv. no internet. no computer. no gaming console. she's OLD. lol