whiny guy wrecks into a deer.

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He never even tried to get up. Was it his leg or his ankle?

Looks like he just took some road rash.....man up! And don't wear shorts when you ride country highways. Well....don't wear shorts when you ride is good advise.
Pretty sure that's the most likes I've gotten for one post before.
Oh DEAR GOD, I hadn't watched that video with sound yet. I'm even more embarrassed for that guy. Pretty sure IF I hit a deer I would at LEAST try getting up. Maybe roll out of the road. Not just start screaming like a fucking bitch the instant he hit the ground. Man the fuck up.
Deer took it like a champ.


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if he was in pain then i could understand him groaning or screaming in pain
but he wasnt groaning or screaming in pain... he was screaming for help like the deer was trying to mug him or rape him
he didnt even move or try moving... no evaluation of the situation... just hit the ground and started screaming for help

non gear wearing asshat

I hit a deer last year doing about 40mph on a dirtbike (was riding on pavement). I got a little rashed up and it did NOT feel very good. My first instinct was to yell a few F bombs and drag myself up off the ground.
I wish I had something witty to say about this tool, but I just cant come up with the proper words to describe how big of bitch he is.
I hit a deer last year doing about 40mph on a dirtbike (was riding on pavement). I got a little rashed up and it did NOT feel very good. My first instinct was to yell a few F bombs and drag myself up off the ground.

That's probably what I would do. My first instinct would definitely not be to scream for help and lay in the middle of the road for a good 3 minutes.
The only thing I can think is that perhaps his bone was protruding sharply from his leg and he recognized immediately that he was fucked...I don't ride so i have no frame of reference for the panic of crashing. I wish he would have pointed his stupid go pro at the injury.
didnt look broken to me, i saw some rash, thats about it.

if he was that hurt, he should have called 911, not his fucking mom.

"mom, come get me!"
"where are you?"
"i dont know, just come get me!"

what a fucking moron.